Digests March 4, 2016 One line (Friday – March 4) Video of the game Agar.io They have gained 2 billion views on YouTube, Shooty Skies has been downloaded 5 million times, Hi-Rez studio is launching an arcade game about flying (and fighting) on jetpacks.
Industry March 4, 2016 Opinion: Game studios should massively outsource Indie teams and large gaming companies need to outsource most of the production. This opinion was reached by former employees of the Bundie company after creating their own studio.
Conferences March 4, 2016 White Nights Helsinki 2016: Pixonic report on the history of the studio and the return to publishing We continue to post videos from the White Nights Helsinki 2016 conference. Next up is a report by Pixonic Business Development Director Alexey Shcherbakov on why Pixonic decided to become a publisher again, and what projects the studio is looking for.
Conferences March 4, 2016 White Nights Helsinki 2016: workshop from Epic Games on creating a game on Unreal Engine 4 We continue to post videos from the White Nights Helsinki 2016 conference. Next up is the workshop of Unreal Engine evangelist Syord De Jong (Sjoerd De Jong). It shows how you can create a game on the engine from Epic Games in an hour.
Industry March 4, 2016 Wargaming launched a contest for the best game with a reward of $ 10 thousand The authors of World of Tanks within the framework of their own “laboratory for curating external projects” WG Labs launched a competition for the best innovative gaming project.