All publications by tag «Spring Valley»


“Using the example of Spring Valley, we saw that with casual games it is much more comfortable to be reviewed by the Chinese,” — Playkot about the experience of obtaining an ISBN

At the end of March, it became known that Playkot received a license to release its Spring Valley game in China. About how much money was spent on paperwork, how long it took to wait for the review, what edits needed to be made to the build and much more — in our interview with Evgenia Artemova, bizdev manager of the company.

Playkot about the new game: “Spring Valley will earn $400 thousand in June. By the end of the year, the game will generate $1 million per month”

In mid-May, Playkot hosted the global launch of its new Spring Valley game. By June, its business metrics had reached excellent values: the percentage of those paying was 7.7%, and the retention of the first day for organics was 41%. We talked about the history of Spring Valley and the specifics of its development with the producers of the game — Evgeny Smirnov and Konstantin Popov.