All publications by tag «patents»


Sony’s New Patents: Expert Help, Adaptive Complexity and Personal AI Assistant

Sony continues to actively develop ideas that, in theory, can facilitate the passage of even the most complex and demanding games. The corresponding patents of the company speak about the movement in this direction. Among them is an expert assistance system, difficulty adjustment based on machine learning, as well as an AI assistant for passing certain sections of the game.Demon’s Souls (2020)

Patent troll Demands tens of thousands of dollars from a Russian company for the use of fritupley mechanics (UPDATED)

GTX Corp is threatening to sue a Russian developer. He is accused of violating a patent for one of the main mechanics of freeplay – the creation and sale of in-game currency. The plaintiff is ready to solve the problem in a pre-trial manner for money. To what extent this is a common situation and what a lawyer advises in such cases to do, – I understood .