What will happen to the mobile advertising market after Apple pulls the switch responsible for IDFA in iOS 14? Tenjin Marketing Director Roman Garbar plans to share the answer to this question at his presentation at WN Winter 2021.

The full title of the lecture sounds like this: “Your application may soon be blocked and five more facts about iOS 14 that you are not being told about.” It will be held next Wednesday, February 10, at 14.00 Moscow time during the winter session of the WN online conference.

Roman considers Apple’s current initiative “the biggest change in the history of mobile marketing.” And not only because of the ISBN ban, but also because of other measures. For example, the company plans not to accept for release those applications that support activation using a fingerprint.

What an iOS developer should remember now, what he should prepare for, whether there are alternative solutions on the market that can help developers in terms of user identification, and Roman plans to tell his listeners about many other things.

Yes, among those who register in advance for the lecture, Tenjin will play Nintendo Switch. The main requirement, in addition to filling out an application and listening to a lecture, is registration for WN Winter 2021.
