Apple Company is working on products with augmented reality. In 2022, Apple may introduce an AR headset. A year later — AR glasses.

According to The Information, this topic was raised at an Apple corporate meeting in October. It was attended by Vice President of the company Mike Rockwell (Mike Rockwell). He directs Apple’s AR/VR developments.

Nothing is known about the project except the approximate release dates. Media sources did not even report the working names of the products.

The AR headset, according to the publication, will be similar to the Oculus Quest helmet and is designed for home use. AR glasses, on the contrary, will make them light and mobile for everyday wear. Perhaps both new items will support linking to other Apple products, for example, smartphones.

Recently, Apple has taken AR development seriously. At WWDC 2019, she presented a number of tools for working with augmented reality. In October, the company acquired the British startup IKinema. He specializes in AR-gaming technologies, among other things.

Let’s add that earlier this month there was information that Apple is preparing an AR helmet for release in 2020. As reported by DigiTimes, Valve, the creator of Valve Index, allegedly participates in the project.

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