
Google representatives talked about new tools for Android game developers.

According to Greg Hartrell, senior project manager at Google Play Games, updates can be divided into three groups: tools for measuring game performance, new monetization solutions and “ways to improve the gaming experience.”


Tools under the general name Player Analytics will allow developers to “better understand user behavior,” that is, including seeing the player’s lifecycle, as well as measuring project indicators, including ARPPU and the number of sessions per user.

The creators of the tools claim that Player Analytics has successfully passed the beta test: with its help, the authors of the game BombSquad doubled revenue.


Google’s new monetization solutions will be implemented through AdMob, a mobile advertising network that the corporation acquired in 2009. Three key updates will be offered (some in beta):

  • Native advertising, beta version. It will allow developers to place commercial ads in their projects, which can be modified so that they correspond to the overall design of the game.
  • Advertising your own in-game purchases, beta version. Based on AdMob analytical data, users who are highly likely to want to make an IAP will be identified. Developers will be able to show these users a customized text – or demonstrate advertising for in-game purchases.
  • Audience Builder. A tool that will allow the developer to get a list of users potentially ready to download his project.

A new gaming experience

These innovations involve Android TV. Using the Nearby Connections API, a second (or third or fourth) player can join the game launched on Android TV at any time, turning their tablet or smartphone into a wireless controller.

Google promises to launch all the described innovations within the next two weeks.

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Google Inc. is an American corporation, the owner of one of the largest and most popular search engines in the world. Specializes in investments in Internet search, cloud computing and advertising technologies. Supports and develops a number of Internet services and products, such as the Google Play app store or the AdWords advertising service.
