The French media corporation Vivendi may buy the gaming company Ubisoft, the Reuters news agency reports, citing internal sources.

According to Reuters, Vivendi intends to acquire Ubisoft and the Havas advertising company in order to reassure investors “concerned about the current strategy, mixed results and poor performance of shares”: over the past three years, Vivendi shares have fallen by 3%.

In December last year, Vivendi increased its ownership of Ubisoft shares to 25%. If the share grows to 30%, according to French law Vivendi will be obliged to make an offer to purchase Ubisoft.

Also last year, Vivendi carried out an unfriendly takeover of Ubisoft’s asset — mobile developer Gameloft, managed by the brother of Ubisoft CEO Michel Guillemot.

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has spoken out categorically against the idea of a takeover, arguing that it would destroy the creative atmosphere in the company.

Yves Guillemot

Ubisoft CEO

Michel Ancel, creative director of Ubisoft Montpellier and creator of the Rayman series, noted that Vivendi’s buyout would jeopardize the “fragile system” of creative studios at Ubisoft.

“The work of our creative team depends on the interaction of many people. And if you want to make money from it, you don’t have to take risks and try to change the team,” Ansel said.

Vivendi has been gradually increasing its ownership of Ubisoft shares since 2015.
However, until recently Vivendi denied intentions to buy Ubisoft.

Source: Games Industries
