The PayPal payment system and the analytical company SuperData Research studied the costs of gamers: how much they spend on buying games and game content, how much they donate to game streamers and where they prefer to buy new titles.

To do this, researchers in February and March of this year interviewed about 25 thousand people from 25 countries. The report provides data on player spending for 3 months.

SuperData and PayPal indicate that they collected data from users of 14 gaming platforms, but do not specify which platforms they were.

The average gamer spends $41 per quarter to buy premium games and $30 to purchase game content, and also transfers $30 to the creators of streams.

Comparison of gamers’ expenses in the USA, China and around the world, SuperData, PayPalGaming expenses and age

Analysts note that players of different ages spend money on video games in different ways. For example, gamers over the age of 35 spend more money on game content.

On average, an ordinary representative of the older generation of players makes in-game purchases worth $ 50 in three months, while gamers aged 18 to 34 spend $ 40 for the same purposes.

In turn, millennial players are more willing to buy premium games. An ordinary gamer 18 − 34 years old buys games for $ 63 in three months, while a gamer from 35 years old spends $ 48 for the purchase of titles during the same time.

Where to buy games

Steam is the leader among the trading platforms for buying games — 31% of respondents use it. In addition to the Valve platform, respondents named about 30 more channels (digital and retail) with which they acquire new titles.

It should be noted that Russia is among the top three regional markets in terms of the number of different platforms for game distribution — there are 27 in our country. This is more than in the USA, but less than in Canada and Australia.

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