The global gaming market will earn $5.4 billion more this year than in 2014, according to analysts at Superdata.

If the total revenue of the market over the past 12 months amounted to $68.8 billion, then this year it will reach $74.2 billion, $22.8 billion of which will fall on the mobile segment. Thus, according to Superdata, mobile games will again have the largest market share.

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By the way, these data, in general, are seriously different from the forecast made by Newzoo for this year. According to the latest version, the total earnings of the gaming industry for 2015 will amount to $91.5 billion. Of these, mobile accounts for $30 billion.

SuperData also compared the projected revenues of the gaming industry by region. It is curious that there is parity between most of them (not counting seriously lagging Latin America). The North American gaming market will earn $23.6 billion, the European market (which probably included the entire EMEA) – $22.1, the Asian market (again, most likely with Australia) – $23.1 billion.

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