The YouTube service will not allow placing advertisements in videos with an emphasis on game violence.

“Violence is found in most video games, and it is acceptable for advertising. But not in the case when the player intentionally wants to focus the attention of the audience on this,” explained YouTube.

For example, if a user has edited a video with a cut of spectacular kills in Call of Duty or Battlefield, the service reserves the right not to assign advertising to such a video.

These restrictions do not apply to streamers broadcasting live videos.

The company explained that they do not want to harm the creativity of users, but they are forced to react to such things as intentional editing of game scenes of violence and murder.

In recent months, YouTube has been trying to make the sponsored content of the service more family-oriented and acceptable to the mass viewer.

So YouTube does not place ads in videos inciting hatred or discrimination against human rights and freedoms, using images of heroes of family shows in violent and obscene plots, and so on.

It is expected that in the coming months YouTube will give more detailed information about the new advertising policy.

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