How much eCPM differs from region to region and how big is the eCPM difference between different types of advertising,” the Soomla analytical service said in its latest report.

Methodology and terms

The data presented below is based on an analysis of the behavior of 100 million users in 8 countries for the period from January to March 2019. During the monitored period, these users made 2.1 billion ad views from 4 million advertisers in 480 applications (most of them are games).

The only metric considered by Soomla is eCPM (effective cost per thousand impressions). However, the service brings it in two “sections”. In addition to the standard average value, it attaches special importance to eCPM from the first impression.

The company’s analysts believe that this is a fairer approach, since the reaction to the first viewing better demonstrates the quality of advertising and depends less on the source of demand.

eCPM by country

The highest eCPM in the USA is expected. This applies to both average and eCPM from the first impression. Moreover, in both cases, it has grown significantly over the past year — by $3.7 and $5, respectively.

But the most interesting thing about the data is the high eCPM in China, where Soomla most likely monitors exclusively iOS applications. Both eCPM values in China turned out to be higher than in Japan, where, by the way, the cost of advertising fell altogether compared to last year.

eCPM by format

When comparing the effectiveness of advertising formats, Soomla found out that rewarding advertising shows a much greater eCPM than full-screen (video and game advertising).

The difference is especially clear in the USA, where the eCPM from the first display of the rewarded ad reaches $22.18, and the fullscreen is $11.62.

In the rest of the world, the difference between formats in terms of eCPM is less significant and is at best a dollar and a half. However, it is there.

eCPM and advertising networks

The report also tells which of the networks has the largest market share. In the USA and the world, a large proportion of rewarded advertising is for Facebook. However, AppLovin, Vungle and AdMob actively share the market of fullscreen advertising among themselves.

Rewarded Advertising (USA)

The highest eCPM from the first impression of the format is due to Facebook. Specific figures are not specified, but the only competitor is Vungle. At the same time, Facebook is also ahead of everyone in terms of impressions in this category.

Rewarded advertising (mir)

Here the situation is more complicated. According to the number of impressions, Facebook is out of competition here. However, Unity Ads, AdMob and Chartboost show a much higher eCPM from the first impression of the format.

Fullscreen advertising (USA)

The undisputed leader with the highest eCPM since the first show is AppLovin. Plus, it also shows the largest number of views. Its closest competitors on both metrics are Vungle and AdMob.

Full-screen advertising (mir)

ironSource shows the highest eCPM from the first impression, but Facebook, AppLovin and AdMob are the leaders in terms of impressions here.

The most popular advertisers

Rewarded Advertising — iOS — USA

Toy Blast paid the most for eCPM from the first show. However, in terms of the volume of impressions, Matchington Mansion is in the lead.

Rewarded Advertising — Android — USA

In terms of eCPM from the first show, Matchington Mansion and Homescapes show similar results, but in terms of the volume of shows, Firecraft Studios development is ahead.

Fullscreen Advertising — iOS — USA

Word Stacks demonstrates the highest eCPM from the first show here. But again, in terms of the volume of impressions, Matchington Mansion is in the first place.

Fullscreen Advertising — Android — USA

The situation is reversed here. Matchington Mansion shows the highest eCPM since the first show. However, Word Stacks bypasses the game in terms of impressions.


The full results of the study can be downloaded from the blog.

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