Comprehensive promotion with the help of motivated traffic increases the visibility of the application in the store, which allows you to get additional organics. An example is the game “Bablomet”. Getting to the top of the category, to the first place of a search query and a query in Trending Searches allowed simultaneously attracting 10,000 organic users with a CPI of 14 rubles.

опыт продвижения игры с помощью мотивированного трафика

Bablomet” is a clicker game, the idea of which is extremely simple — tap and spend money.

At the start of the campaign, “Bablomet” was in the 1500th place of the overall top of Russia in the App Store, in the 500th place in the “Games” category and in the 31st in the “Board Games” category. The task was as follows — to attract the maximum organic traffic at the lowest price.

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In order for the client to track the progress of the advertising campaign in real time, it was decided to launch the campaign through our new product — the automated Appbooster platform. The platform allows:

  • promote apps based on key queries;
  • display queries in trending searches (screen with popular queries in the App Store);
  • promote apps to the tops (general free, general paid, categories);
  • to hold the achieved positions. It is also possible to adjust the reviews and rating of the mobile application.

The strategy for the “Bablomet” looked like this: firstly, to promote the “Bablomet” in the search results of the App Store for the query “Earn money” (before the promotion it was in 8th place), secondly, to display the name of the application in Trending Searches (a list of popular queries on the “search” screen in the App Store), and, finally, to back up all this with a campaign of non-search motivated traffic to increase the position of the game in the tops.

Campaign progress

We have created three advertising campaigns in the platform.

The first is a promotion campaign for a key query. In the search for the phrase “Earn money” it was necessary to take the first place. About 2000 installations were needed for this.

The second campaign that we created is the output of the “Bablomet” query in trending searches. That’s another 3,000 app installs.

Thus, to promote in the search, we have created two campaigns with a total number of installations of about 5000.

For successful promotion to the top category of games, we have created another campaign for 5,000 motivated installations. After that, we launched campaigns and waited for the results.

Promotion results

The campaign was unscrewed with the following results:

  • 2070 motivated installations from the search for “earn money” (2000 planned), budget 24,000 rubles;
  • 3050 motivated installations from the search for the output of the “Bablomet” query in trending searches (3000 planned), budget 39,000 rubles;
  • 5000 motivated non-search installations to bring the application to the top of the “games” category, a budget of 70,000 rubles.

What did it give in the end: “Bablomet” came out on the 1st place in the search results for the query “Earn money”, also this query got into trending searches. After the update, the request “Bablomet” also got into TS in the first position. In addition, the application took the 1st position in the “Strategy Games” category, the first in the “Board Games”, the seventh in the top Russian games and the 34th place in the Russian Top Overall.


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On the day of the campaign launch, in addition to 10,000 motivated installations, the game attracted about 1800 organic installations, after which, within a few days, more than 8,000 live installations — as you can see in the graph above, the application stayed in the top of games for a long time and still occupies positions in the Top 50 of its categories. It is not difficult to calculate that with the total cost of campaigns of 133 000 rubles, the price of one user was about 14 rubles.



Motivated traffic is still an effective tool for promotion and allows you to increase the visibility of your application due to several mechanics — “pumping” keywords, getting into the list of popular queries, and increasing your position in the top charts. Tops and search attract inexpensive organic users, and with Appbooster you can promote your products and track statistics automatically.

The results of this case were obtained using exclusively motivated traffic, however, we recommend using it as an addition to the main advertising campaign, for example, media buying (attracting target users using advertising systems) — in this case, the motive consumption is reduced, and the effectiveness of the campaign increases, allowing you to attract organics and reducing the CPI of purchased unmotivated installations.

On the rights of advertising
