Yesterday, June 30, a mobile advertising service based on Twitter was officially launched. Its beta version helped the TwoDots game gain more than 1 million downloads. 

The service was created on the technological basis of the MoPub advertising network, which Twitter bought for $ 350 million last September. The new platform allows you to launch CPC campaigns. Tweets with “deep links” are used as advertising inventory.

Recall that deep links allow you to send a user to a specific application (or game) screen. In the event that the user who clicked on the ad does not have a specific application, the social network will redirect him to the store. 


For example, you want to launch an ad designed to re-engage users in the game. Let’s say you are a developer of a time manager in the setting of Victorian England and last week you had a big addition with a new setting – Colonial India. You launch a Twitter campaign with a screenshot of new buildings. When users who have previously installed the game click on it, your application is launched, which immediately takes them to a new location. 

How else you can use “deep links“, we wrote in detail here.

The advertising service, which previously worked as a beta, provided the TwoDots game with more than 1 million downloads.

A source: http://www.pocketgamer.biz
