As many have already seen in practice, a good application in itself does not give much: it needs to be promoted, to invest a lot of money in marketing and advertising. Fiksu gave 11 tips on how to optimize costs and attract maximum users.

1. Try to find as many traffic sources as possible

One source – for example, one mobile advertising network – is not enough. Working with different sources and, more importantly, with different types of sources, you get access to a much larger audience and have the opportunity to evaluate where it is more profitable to buy advertising. It is necessary to monitor the behavior of users who came from different places and analyze the results.

According to Fiksu specialists, it is necessary to have at least 10 different traffic sources.

2. Focus on getting downloads from loyal users

In the end, it is the number of loyal users that decides everything. Loyal users are those who really like your app; they launch it several times, make purchases and tell others about it. Downloading and even launching an application does not mean that you have a loyal user.

As a rule, advertising networks have no idea which users you need. Therefore, take the initiative:

– Decide what a loyal user is for you;
– Select traffic sources that bring exactly such users;
– Track everything users do with your app.

3. Track downloads from search results

Users who find your app on their own, without the help of any advertising, are usually much better: they can become loyal as a result.

There is a concept of “organic growth” – it is determined by the ratio of conversions, the place in the top and the influence that both of them have on the appearance of downloads from organic output.

In the Apple App Store, downloads that have occurred due to advertising raise the application in the top – this increases visibility and allows more users to see it, which, in turn, increases the number of “organic” downloads. Thus, organic growth in the Apple App Store is determined by the ratio of the number of organic downloads to the number of “paid” downloads.

In the Android Market, everything happens a little differently. There, in order to increase the number of organic downloads, it is necessary to increase the time that users devote to the application after launch.

As downloads increase, the application usage time increases accordingly. In parallel with this, the application begins to rise in the tops of the Android Market. As a result, visibility increases and the number of organic downloads increases. At the same time, the application does not “fall” immediately as soon as the purchased traffic stops pouring on it – thanks to organic traffic, the application can linger in the top.

Do not forget to constantly monitor organic growth: this will allow you not to spend extra money on advertising.

4. Decide on the category and the necessary place in the top to determine the maximum cost of a loyal user

Which category will be the best for your app? Which place in the top of this category will be optimal for you?

The answer is simple: this is the category and the place that give the maximum number of loyal users for the minimum price.


Most applications are suitable for several categories. For example, many games have elements of social Networking, there is music and Entertainment.

Instead of automatically defining the game in the Games category, think about whether it makes sense to choose some other alternative category.

Place in the top categoryDepending on the selected category, you can choose a different place in its top that you need to reach.

For example, if you have a game and it is placed in a large Games category, the goal may be to get into the top 25. Conversely, if your app is placed in a smaller category, the target may be the top 5.

Oddly enough, some applications, being in 15th place, receive no less organic traffic than when they occupy the 25th position. And if there is no difference, why pay more?

Place in the general topIt is necessary to understand how a place in the general top affects organic growth.

Both the App Store and the Android Market calculate a place in the overall top regardless of the categories. A high position significantly increases the visibility of the application, which as a result can get a very large increase in organic traffic.

5. Know the number of loyal users received from different traffic sources

Based on the definition of your loyal user, try to estimate how much you received them from each source and how much they cost you. This will allow you to adjust advertising costs and distribute the budget more competently.

6. Determine the cost of conversion

Determine the cost of achieving the goal with a certain amount of traffic. For example, you can pay 5 cents per click, but if you want to double the traffic volume, it may be more profitable to pay 15-20 cents per click: the more. All this needs to be calculated to ensure the payback of advertising.

7. Decide on the days of the week

Analyze the days of the week and choose those that give the maximum influx of loyal users. In accordance with this, choose the days for advertising campaigns.

8. Evaluate the effectiveness of advertising by the number of downloads, not by the number of clicks

9. Correctly approach the choice of the name of the application

It is worth choosing a name not only from the point of view of branding or originality – it is necessary to take into account the search queries of users in the app stores. You will greatly lower your chances if people can’t find your apps for related queries.

10. Pay special attention to the icon

Only the lazy one didn’t write yet that the icon is very important. It should be bright, stand out from others, be more attractive. Try to make different options and paste them on your computer in the screenshot of the store. Will you be able to find it quickly yourself? Will others be able to?

11. When making a description, check how it will look in the store

Do not forget that if a user appears on the page of your application, he will have literally a few seconds to make a decision to “download / not download”. Therefore, everything should be “selling” – description, screenshots, etc. When writing a description, do not forget that you need to check how it will look exactly on the screen of a mobile device, and not on a computer screen.

