The average number of daily iPhone downloads after the new Apple device appeared on the market jumped by almost 1.5 million, while the cost of the user fell markedly. 

Boston-based marketing company Fiksu has shared its traditional report on the state of affairs in the American iPhone app market. According to published data, the appearance of the iPhone 5 on sale has significantly affected the number of daily downloads from the App Store. If in September the average level of downloads hovered around 4.07 million, then in October it rose to 5.4 million per day. 

The company’s analysts also note that the growth of downloads began on September 21, when the iPhone 5 appeared on the shelves, but it did not greatly affect the results of September. Recall that there was minimal positive dynamics between August and September: the growth was only 0.02 million. 

The cost of a loyal user (someone who opens the app at least three times) continued to fall in October. According to the results of the second month of autumn, it amounted to $ 1.06. Analysts explain such a low price by the increased level of organic search: users who have bought a new device willingly explore the App Store in search of free applications. 

This is good news for developers. However, it must be remembered that such a fall is temporary. Users will soon lose interest in Apple market research, after which the cost of their purchase will rise again.
