Mobile publishers in the markets of the five leading European countries will earn 1.68 billion euros in 2012, according to the analytical company research2guidance in its December report.

Analysts included the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain and France in the top five mobile giants of the Old World. They account for a total of 15% of the global smartphone app market (the total share of the European market reaches 20%), including advertising.

The market has grown by more than 140% since 2008. As research2guidance experts noted in the report, this rise in dynamics is close to the explosion of the www sector in the early noughties, only it happens 5-7 times faster.

One of the main features of the European market at the moment is a significant difference in the size and structure of its internal segments among themselves. Because of this, when entering each “home” segment, publishers have to carefully choose one or another promotion model.
