Only 15% of Russian websites have mobile versions, according to the analytical company NetCat and the CMS Magazine portal.

Russian entrepreneurs do not expect a significant increase in traffic from mobile devices, so they do not consider it necessary to spend additional money on developing a mobile version of their website. Across Russia, only 14.9% of companies are considering this possibility. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, there were 17% of them. 

At the same time, according to the data , in Runet, more than 20% of traffic is accounted for by the Android, iOS and Symbian mobile operating systems.

The developers of mobile applications themselves consider it mandatory to have a mobile version of the site – 37%. Another 36% of developers who develop custom applications believe that every second organization should have a mobile version (apparently, depending on the business area). For example, 80% of Russian developers are sure that mobile versions are mandatory for reference sites, social networks and the media, 63% – call web services and 61% – online stores.
