To comment on the application in the Google Play Store, you will need a Google+ account very soon, according to meticulous Android Police specialists. 

Google recently updated its Play Store to version 3.10.9. It has not made any key changes. However, in his code, the Android Police portal journalist Ron Amadeo found interesting information. It turns out that soon (when exactly, it is still unknown) writing a review in the Play Store will require an account on Google+. Moreover, all reviews will be accompanied by the author’s name and his photo. If the user does not have an account, they will be denied the opportunity to write a review. 

Also, based on the sources found in the update, Ron Amadeo believes that in the future his comments from the Android app store can be shared on Google+. 

In theory, innovations should increase the virality of projects and, accordingly, the popularity of the Google social network. However, it seems to us that the user will not have enough motivation to create a Google+ page if he just wants to leave a review on the project. Positive feedback. So, most likely, such a measure will lead to a reduction in the number of reviews in general, as well as the predominance of negative reviews among them.   

Recall that the ability to post direct links to applications from Google Play directly to Google+ was recently added (in fact, it is now possible to download a mobile game without leaving the social network, if a friend, for example, threw you a link to it in a local chat).
