The results of a study conducted by BigInsight showed that young Americans prefer Android, and their grandfathers prefer iOS.

So, 64% of the surveyed representatives of the generation called Millenials by researchers (or Generation Y, born in the 80s) consider the Android operating system “cool”, iOS fans among them are slightly less – 61.95%. People of the generations called Gen X (born in the 70s) and Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) also prefer “robots” more. And only in the oldest age group (people born before 1946), Apple’s OS broke ahead in popularity. 46.8% of respondents were in favor of it, and only 41.1% were in favor of Android. 

The incident is that the order in some cases is about the same. 

As part of the study of “age-related” attitudes to mobile operating systems, more than 9 thousand Americans aged 18 and older were interviewed.
