Chinese suppliers claim that Microsoft is preparing to produce its own smartphone based on Windows Phone 8.

According to the China Times, Microsoft is developing a smartphone under the working name Surface Phone. Its announcement, according to newspaper sources involved in the supply of components, will take place in early 2013 (possibly at the next Mobile World Congress in Barcelona). 

The company’s desire to release its own device is due to the low popularity of gadgets on the WP of other manufacturers. In particular, Nokia, whose products, despite large marketing costs, continue to gather dust on store shelves. 

It would seem to be amazing news, but, firstly, the Chinese press is far from the most reliable source of information. Secondly, Microsoft already regulates quite rigidly what happens to its system on other people’s devices, so there is no guarantee that, having taken up the production of the original gadget, it will succeed in what the once great Nokia failed to do. And, thirdly, work on the new gadget has been underway for only four months, there is still a lot of time before the end of the year, and Microsoft can simply close the project. Quiet and peaceful. Or, alternatively, prepare something really interesting.
