Personnel sensation: the chair of Zynga executive director Mark Pincus (Mark Pincus) gave way to the former head of Microsoft’s entertainment division Don Mattrick (Don Mattrick).

There is, in fact, a scandal on scandal. 

Firstly, the fact of Pincus’ independent removal from the company’s management after massive cuts in June deserves attention. Mark, in fact, admitted that he made mistakes as a manager, and now he does not quite know how to develop the company further.

Mark: “I wash my hands of it”However, according to his letter to the company’s employees, “I always told the team that if I found someone who would be able to do my job better, I would do everything to hire him as CEO.”


The second scandal is the departure of Don Mattrick from the post of head of Microsoft’s entertainment division, in which capacity he worked for six years. During this time, the Xbox 360 user base has grown from 10 to 80 million, and the number of Xbox Live subscribers from 6 million to 50 million. In fact, it was thanks to Don that the second Microsoft console became so successful.

Don: “Xbox? No, I haven’t heard”However, the “failure” of the Xbox One presentation at E3 hit the company’s image and Mattrick himself hard, making him a potential candidate for departure from Redmond’s “evil corporation” in the business restructuring campaign started by Steve Ballmer at the end of this June.

Don, apparently, did not wait until he was “asked” and unexpectedly quit for the company himself. 

By the way, the failure was relative. Its reason, rather, can be called the conservatism of hardcore gamers, their unwillingness to make the sacrifices that need to be paid for new technologies, as well as the greater flexibility and high speed of the guys at Sony, who were preparing their presentation with an eye on the Xbox One demonstration that had already taken place. 

As a result, the loss of Mattrick is another Ballmer mistake, as well as a huge blow to one of the most successful Microsoft divisions until recently. 

After it became known that Pinkus would give way to Don, Zynga shares immediately rose by 10%. Mattrick will take up his new position next Monday.

Sources: , , , forbes.comPhoto:
