The Chinese vendor ranked third in the global top manufacturers in terms of the number of deliveries of smart phones in the third quarter of this year. Finnish Nokia may drop out of the top by the new year. 

Based on data from IDC, Canalys and Strategy Analytics, the Communities-Dominate blog (with the help of TomiAhonen Analysis) presented the top ten smartphone manufacturers in the world for the third quarter of 2012. 

The main surprise of this top is the presence of the Chinese vendor Huawei in third place. Back in the second quarter of this year, the company held the 8th position in the top ten with 7 million devices shipped. Good sales allowed the Chinese dragon to sell 16 million smartphones in July-September, thereby overtaking all vendors in the chart, except Samsung and Apple, which occupy first and second place, respectively. 

The company owes its success to the significantly increased quality of devices, the appearance in the line of interesting devices like Huawei Ascend P1 and the preservation of a relatively low price for them. 

The second major event is Nokia’s departure from the top three. Moreover, the departure is loud – right on the tenth, closing place with 6.3 million devices sold. This was quite expected after Microsoft’s summer announcement to no longer support Windows Phone 7. The autumn release of the Lumia 920 and 820 is unlikely to fix the situation: HTC has recently become more active on this platform, offering solutions similar to Nokia at a lower price.  

The third significant change in the top is the departure from the top of Motorola. If in the second quarter it was in tenth place with 6 million devices sold, then this year the results were slightly worse.  

The departure of Motorola made it possible to get into the top of another Chinese company – Lenovo with 7 million gadgets sold.
