The Japanese publisher acquired 20% of the company that created Rage of Bahamut, and spent almost $ 100 million on it. 

Even against the background of DeNA’s quarterly earnings of $627 million, which we wrote about this morning, the new purchase of the Japanese giant is a big event. Mobage owners paid $92 million or 7.4 billion yen for 20% of the Cygames development studio. This means that the studio itself was valued at about $460 million.

What is most interesting: the money will go, apparently, not to the developers, but to the Cyber Agent company, from which DeNA buys out the share of Cygames. The deal will be completed by the end of this year. 

For those who do not know: Rage of Bahamut was the first number in the American box office top on Google Play throughout the summer, and also stayed in the top five box office applications on the American App Store for more than five months.
