App Annie company announced that it has started indexing applications for Windows 8 devices. So far, however, the functionality is in beta stage. 

Despite the fact that the App Store and Play Store continue to dominate the market (by downloads, by the number of applications, by revenue), do not forget about other stores. At least, that’s what App Annie thinks. 

The other day, the company announced that the Windows Store with its 130 thousand applications “joined the App Annie family“, which already includes Apple, Goolge and Amazon stores. Indexing of applications for Windows Phone 7.5 and Windows Phone 7.8 will not be performed. By the way, the latter raises questions, since it is not entirely clear whether the company is going to monitor the Windows Phone Store and, accordingly, support Windows Phone 8?

At the moment, App Annie “counts” only apps developed for the Windows Store. Applications for Windows 8 (x86), Windows 8 (x64) and Windows 8 (ARM) are supported. You can get acquainted with three top 100 (paid, free, new) for 44 countries and 21 categories.
