The losses of the social company over the past three months amounted to an “insignificant” amount of $ 68 thousand. This may well be called a breakthrough, given that over the same period last year, Zynga lost more than $ 52 million.

Zynga executive Director Don Mattrick, who left the post of head of Microsoft’s entertainment division in the summer, said that by the end of the year, the company, which lost $11 million in total in 2013, could go into the plus.

However, if this happens, it is unlikely due to the release of new products, but rather due to cost reduction.

The company’s gaming performance is currently falling on both the social and mobile front. For example, if the games brought Zynga $231 million in the second quarter, then only $203 million in the third quarter.

The company’s DAU projects are also falling. For the year, the total DAU fell by 49%, for the quarter – by 29%. The number of unique monthly players decreased by 46% over the year. 

By the way, simultaneously with the news about the results of the quarter, it was reported that the executive director of the American division of DeNA, Clive Downie, is now COO Zynga. 

Cleve DowneyIt should be noted that DeNA has performed very well in the USA so far.

There are now three products of the company in the cash American top 50. The most successful of them – MARVEL War of Heroes – did not leave the box office top ten all last summer.

