The segment of companies engaged in augmented reality projects expanded by 50% in the first half of 2018, according to the investment fund The Venture Reality Fund.

We are talking about any companies in the AR ecosystem – it does not matter whether they develop applications, content, tools or platforms with augmented reality support. A year ago there were 150, by the end of 2017 – about 200, and now – 290.

As noted in The Venture Reality Fund, not only startups that have received investments come to the market, but also large companies that consider this segment promising.

The inflow of investments into the segment remains stable – AR and VR companies have raised more than $1 billion in six months. Half of these funds go to Magic Leap and its augmented reality glasses. In total, to date, the company has already attracted $2.3 billion in investments. The release of the first glasses is planned for this year.

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Venture Beat
