According to the German Wooga, the App Store has earned about $12 billion over the past year. The problem is that the money only comes from hit projects.

Successful games in the store are less than 0.1%.

To have at least some chance of getting into these tenths, Wooga always has at least 60 prototypes in production. The prototype is immediately given to “people from the street” to test. After that, a “round table” is held on the game between the employees themselves. Based on the results of testing and the meeting, it is decided whether it is worth developing further.

Of the 60 prototypes, only 15 are in development. About 10 survive to a “soft launch”. Depending on the result, only 5 out of 10 are officially launched. With this approach, 2 may well turn out to be hits, according to Wooga.

This is their serious approach. And how are things in your companies?

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