According to the report of the Institute of Modern Media, in 2016, the virtual reality market in Russia amounted to 1.2 billion rubles.

VR solutions for business accounted for 34% (348 billion rubles) of this amount.

Number of VR companies in Russia has grown more than 3 times in a year — from several dozen to more than a hundred companies. There are also more than 300 creative teams producing VR content or engaged in aggressive marketing of VR solutions.

Topics of VR applications on the Russian marketBut despite the interest in technology, no more than 20 Russian companies started introducing virtual reality into their business last year.

The VR industry is concentrated in metropolitan megacities – more than half of the companies are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the rest are dispersed throughout Russia.

By the end of 2016 in There are about 560 thousand VR headsets from various manufacturers in Russia. Industry experts expect that the number of Russian VR users will double annually, and by 2020 it will reach 5.4–5.6 million people.

The key factor in the development of the VR market in 2016 was the growth of investments by almost 3 times — up to 730 million rubles against 190 million in 2015.

For comparison, the global VR market in 2016 amounted to $1.8 billion.

Source: Institute of Modern Media
