A 74-page review of the “Computer Games Industry 2020” from the Higher School of Economics and the Development Center Institute has been published. More than half of the study is devoted to the Russian game rendezvous.

The document is divided into four voluminous parts:

  • overview of the situation in the global industry;
  • overview of the situation in the Russian industry;
  • Russian state policy in the field of games;
  • prospects of the Russian gaming industry.

The chapter on the global situation is primarily devoted to the volume, structure and trends of the global market. But other topics are also understood in it. For example: “the role of independent developers”, “sources of finalizing game projects”, “formation of new groups of consumers of game content” and others.

The “Russian” part of the study claims to be the maximum coverage of the topic. It touches on the history of the market, and its modern “landscape”, and esports, and domestic streaming, and a portrait of a gamer, and age restrictions in the country, and tax aspects, and so on, so on.

The whole work is built mainly on the basis of open sources. Among them: SuperData, Newzoo, Yandex.Market, QIWI, App Annie. However, a large corpus of other sources was also involved (websites of banks and various associations).

You can download it from this link.

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