The final publication of the year.

I'll start with the obvious: 2023 was not an easy year.

As one of the friends who read the "Results of the year" column joked: "And you can forbid speakers to start with the phrase "The year was not easy"." It turns out that it is impossible. He added gray hair to us.

All year long, the world we live in has continued to shake with pain and suffering. In addition to this, our native industry is beginning to storm. So it turns out that today, while some lose shelter over their heads and loved ones, others lose their life's work, job and way of livelihood.

Here the saying "Trouble does not come alone" comes to mind.

But on the eve of the New Year, let's remember one more phrase.  You can't call it positive. But at least it's about hope.

It sounds like this: "And it will pass."

This phrase is usually attributed to King Solomon, although it is not in the Bible, and it became widely known only in the 19th century (someone writes that thanks to Walter Scott, others mention Edward Fitzgerald, and others point to one of Abraham Lincoln's speeches).

According to the parable, it was this inscription for the signet ring that Solomon advised his friend Sultan to choose, who was looking for a maxim that would be suitable for both sad and joyful moments.

So let's remember that any trouble, no matter how sad it is, will definitely pass.

May there be plenty of strength in the coming year, endless bright reasons to smile, and as many moments spent with family and loved ones as possible. And, of course, let everything be fine!

Moreover, despite all the bad weather, 2023 has brought many wonderful games, which, I am sure, are already helping to make this world brighter and brighter!

Happy New Year, dear readers!

P.S. In terms of news, we are taking a break until January 8th. At the same time, interviews with the results will continue to be published during the holidays from January 1 to January 5. Be sure to come in!