The dynamics of the growth in the use of mobile games downloaded from the App Store and Google Play has halved in 2014,” Flurry specialists said in their latest study.

Untitled-Рост числа игровых сессий мобильных игр в 2014 году замедлился вдвое

Photo: VIKTOR HANACEKIf in 2013 the number of gaming sessions was 61% more than in 2012, then in 2014 there were only 30% more.

A similar decrease is also true for other entertainment categories combined by Flurry into one – “Music, Media and Entertainment”.


Three categories were among the leaders in recruiting new sessions: “Lifestyle and shopping” (growth – 174%), “Utilities and Productivity” (growth – 121%) and “Social applications” (growth – 103%).

A similar trend in Flurry is explained by the fact that mobile devices are increasingly being used as personal assistants today. In other words, now smartphones and tablets are not only toys, but also working tools, whose functionality does not end with the ability to contact someone.

This trend may indicate that in a few years the share of games and entertainment will lose its dominant role in the downloads and revenues of mobile stores.  

A source: – founded in 2005 by Sean Byrnes, the company specializes in mobile analytics, monetization and advertising.

It is known for its eponymous analytical service. It has offices in San Francisco, New York, London and Mumbai. It was bought by Yahoo in 2014.
