Superdata analysts believe that game developers underestimate the genre of card collectible games. Real card projects earn 2 times more than digital ones.

The total earnings of collectible card games (physical and digital) for 2013 will amount to $4.1 billion. The United States will have $1.4 billion, Europe – $0.9 billion, Russia – $55 million, Asia – $1.8 billion.

The total number of players is 53 million. There are 18 million of them in the States, 10.9 million in Europe, 1.8 million in Russia, and about 22.3 million in Asia.

Moreover, since 2012, every month players in digital card games spend 9% more on them than those who play them in reality.

And today, digital collectibles account for $1.3 billion of the $4.1 billion mentioned. However, Superdata does not specify what share of revenue belongs to mobile games.

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