As part of the September event, Apple announced that the new Apple TV will now be not only a “box for watching TV shows”, but also a full-fledged game console with access to the App Store.

Apple TV четвертого поколения будет игровой консолью

Photo: The Verge
Non-players will first of all pay attention to the new touch control panel and the ability to control the console by voice.

But, of course, we are interested in the gaming capabilities of the box.

But first let’s make a reservation that the new Apple TV runs on a new OS – tvOS. As we have already noticed a little above, it will be possible to install applications from the App Store on it. It is clear that programs developed initially only for mobile devices will not work here, their optimization will be required.

At the event, it was announced that Galaxy on Fire, Transistor and Crossy Road have already been optimized for the console (one screen multiplayer will appear in the game, by the way, there will be no need to buy a second remote control for playing on one screen, a smartphone or tablet will be able to act as it). More fundamentally, a full-fledged Disney Infinity will also be released on Apple TV.

In turn, the presence of a gyroscope in the remote control and a long demonstration of Beat Sports from Harmonix hints that Apple has not forgotten about the success of the Wii, or rather, thanks to which products it was popular.

They didn’t talk much about hardware, it is known that it will work on a 64-bit A8 processor. The price of the device starts at $149 for the 32 GB version.

tvOS is available to developers as of today.

The console will go on sale in 18 countries in October.

Source: Apple
