Igor Dyatlov, who founded XYZ School in 2017, announced on his VKontakte page that he was forced to leave his company a year and a half ago. According to his version, the partners, who are now business leaders, were forced to resign by threats.

According to Igor, it all started with the fact that he “called two dudes” to help with marketing and operational processes. He gave them both two-thirds of the company. I kept another third for myself. As Dyatlov now admits, “there were a lot of mistakes.”

At the time of their arrival at the company, the founder was already “burned out and tired.” Igor also clarifies that he constantly lost to them in negotiations, was weaker in this regard than the managers called up.

As a result, they began to deal not only with marketing and operational processes, but also with the product. We undertook to scale it quickly. Igor did not have time to follow all his undertakings and, by his own admission, did not understand how, with such rapid growth, it was possible to “do something of high quality”.

This led to the founder’s depression. To escape from it, he decided to change the situation, to rest. At that moment, all the accesses and passwords that he managed to share with his partners were stolen from him.

When Igor discovered the change of passwords to all tools and data, he managed to close access to the bank account, since the sole proprietor at that time remained registered to him. Because of this, the partners began to threaten him with court.

Instead of suing and defending his right to business, Dyatlov — against the background of the ongoing depression — signed a contract with partners. According to him, he gave them the remaining access, business, brand, and so on, and they in exchange — “a decent bunch of money.” In addition, he pledged not to do competitive business in the next two years, and at the same time he was forbidden to talk about the reasons for leaving XYZ School (otherwise a fine).

By the way, Igor in his posts do not mention either the school or the people with whom the conflict arose. Just reports that such a story happened.

Now, after a course of therapy and a transition to a sober lifestyle, Igor plans to return to business. He is waiting for next spring, when he will legally get the right to do so.

One of the conclusions that Dyatlov made for himself sounds like this: “When passwords and accesses from mail (including personal), VK, YouTube, Telegram groups are stolen, they are kicked out of Slak and Trello, then closing access to a bank account to thieves is a good solution. But this is not an excuse to sell the company, but an excuse to go to court and defend your own. Unfortunately, I was too weak to defend myself in any way. Now it is important not to allow such a slack in any new case.”

Igor does not name specific names. Apparently, judging by the data of the Unified State Register, we can talk about Pavel Moseikin and Vyacheslav Mulyukin. According to the documents, a third of the business was assigned to both of them.

The post appeared against the background of a separate scandal related to XYZ School. Students accused the platform of non-fulfillment of obligations and ignoring their complaints (the courses being sold are in fact unfinished, lecture blocks are released several months late, representatives of the school do not go to the dialogue). This led to the self-dissolution of XYZ media direction, which was a separate division of the platform.
