The director of the God of War game series, Cory Barlog, defended games with a linear plot and a single-player campaign after news of the closure of the Visceral Games studio by Electronic Arts Corporation.

Recall that the latest Visceral project was supposed to be an action adventure in the Star Wars universe with a single story campaign.

Electronic Arts handed over its development to the EA Vancouver team, stating “the need to redesign the game so that it can attract gamers for longer.” Probably, we are talking about the introduction of multiplayer, gaming microtransactions and other services.

This news marked the beginning of online disputes about the feasibility of developing games without monetization mechanisms and the fate of the singleplayer as a whole.

Commenting on this controversy, Barlog tweeted about his love for single-player games with a linear plot. He added that he is sad when they talk about the single as something bad.

Barlog’s position was supported by colleagues and netizens.

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