On February 1, Finnish Supercell announced that it is investing $4.2 million in the British studio Trailmix. It was founded by former executives of the London office of King, who created Farm Heroes Saga. Trailmix plans to create games with a deep plot, but working on the frituplay model.

The founders of Trailmix are Caroline Krenzer and Tristan Clark. Caroline was one of the founders of King London Studio, then was its vice president. Tristan started at the London candy factory as a game designer, then for four years he was its director of games.

Tristan Clark and Caroline Krenzer
They founded Trailmix in December 2017.

By that time, both had not worked at King for a year. Krenzer dealt with organizational issues at BAFTA Games, and Clark tried his hand at independent development.

Together they teamed up, wanting to interest a new audience in mobile games. The one who doesn’t play, but loves TV series and adventure novels. Trailmix founders see their task in developing mobile games that will be able to offer as deep stories as other entertainment media. But at the same time they will take the best from the fritupley.

Such a concept has interested Supercell, which has been actively investing in third-party gaming teams since the end of 2016. Last year, the Finnish company acquired a controlling stake in Space Ape Games, known for its Clash of Clans clones, for $55.8 million. Prior to that, Supercell invested $2.9 million in the startup Shipyard Games, which deals with geolocation games, and Frogmind, the authors of the Badland series.

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