Animoca Brands has announced that in the latest update (released yesterday, August 10), Star Girl has added virtual items branded with the name of American socialite Paris Hilton.

В Star Girl добавили IAP под маркой Перис Хилтон

All items of the so-called Paris Hilton Collection, consisting of five dresses, two sunglasses, stockings and a pair of shoes, will cost the player $4.99. He (or rather, she, the target audience of the project – the beautiful half of humanity) will be able to purchase the collection in a special new in-game store Star Dazzle.

The initiative implemented by Animoca Brands, in our opinion, indicates a new stage in working with IP in the framework of shareware games, a change in the tasks themselves when acquiring the rights to use a particular franchise.


If up to this point one of the most popular ways of working with a brand was the release of a project stylized in accordance with it, which automatically meant a stable influx of traffic corresponding to the popularity of the chosen franchise (it does not matter whether it is a person or a cultural phenomenon), then IAP branding is already directly working to increase the profit of the product.

The idea itself is not new. For example, in Xbox Live, a player can buy clothes in the style of a particular game for his alter ego. But, as it seems to us, within the framework of mobile projects and cooperation with really big stars, the approach takes on a completely different scale.

By the way, Animoca Brands is also currently developing a full-fledged game starring Paris Hilton.

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