Nival CEO Sergey Orlovsky said that this year the Russian gaming market has returned to the situation of 5 years ago in terms of money.

Сергей Орловский заявил, что 2015 для российской индустрии игр - это 2010 по деньгам

Following the statement of the leading analyst and the author of SteamSpy 

Sergey Galenkin about the fall in the volume of the Russian games market in ruble equivalent this year, with a similar statement on the pages Sergey Orlovsky spoke.

According to him, with the fall of the ruble, the Russian market “sank almost twice.” “We have returned to the situation of 5 years ago,” Orlovsky said.

Then, recall, according to Mail.Ru Group, its turnover in dollar terms amounted to $910 million.

“The year has shown well — the attractiveness of local platforms is decreasing, while foreign ones are growing. And in order to make money, you need to focus on other markets,” Orlovsky added.

The curious thing is that after the crisis of 2008, which killed the Russian gaming retail in 2009, many Russian companies had to adopt this model in order to survive.

The prevailing domestic development today is highly competitive social and mobile games, the appearance of which on the market became possible only thanks to digital distribution platforms that made it as easy as possible for domestic players to enter foreign markets and foreigners to enter the Russian market.

As for the generation of income by the Russian market, then, of course, without having access to data, it is difficult to say.

That is, here the direct proof of Orlovsky’s statement will be, for example, a drop in the income of VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. As, however, a decrease in income from local stores. Or a drop in the revenue of the MMO segment in Russia.

So we are waiting for the numbers. Is there a new “womgla” planned?
