Sega Corporation has acquired the Bulgarian branch of Crytek — Crytek Black Sea. 60 employees of the studio will become part of the Creative Assembly team, the developer of the Total War series and the recent Halo Wars 2.

Crytek Black Sea has already been renamed Creative Assembly Sofia and will work on unannounced projects so far.

“The acquisition of Crytek Black Sea is another step in the direction of global business. We strive to add value to our studios and support the UK gaming industry,” commented Jurgen Post, President and CEO of Sega Europe, on the deal.

Since last year, the Creative Assembly staff has grown by 37% and is over 500 people. At the end of 2016, the studio opened a third office in Britain, expanding its workspace by 88%.

Creative Assembly intends to maintain leadership in the gaming market of the United Kingdom, where the turnover of funds reached £2.96 billion last year, surpassing the sale of video by 1.3 times (£2.25 billion) and music by 2.6 times (£1.1 billion).

Source: Games Industry
