The authors of Angry Birds have announced the acquisition of a small studio PlayRaven. The amount of the transaction is not called.

The PlayRaven team, numbering 25 people, is based in Finland, however, as is Rovio. Only her office is not in Espoo, but in Helsinki.

Despite the fact that PlayRaven, founded in 2013, has so far attracted $7.5 million for development, it cannot be called a good acquisition. During its existence, the company has released four mobile projects. None of them were successful.

In fairness: from the point of view of the concept and production, everyone was of interest. For example, Spymaster was a turn-based strategy game about spies during World War II, visually reminiscent of Europa Universalis.

Rovio explains the purchase of such a studio with the desire to accelerate expansion into the market of strategic games.

The company hopes for the expertise of PlayRaven in this genre.

Recall that Rovio currently has 12 projects in development. General Director of the company Kati Levoranta stated in the results of the last financial quarter that now the company needs new hits. And, as far as one can understand, the company is focused on their search today.

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