The Russian quality system has prepared a standard of requirements for mobile applications.

We are talking about the formation of a standard of requirements for the quality of programs for mobile devices. As Kommersant writes with reference to Vedomosti, the new document includes not only recommendations for developers, but also a description of the application testing methodology by Roskachestvo experts.

The standard includes about a hundred requirements related to the functionality, performance and security of applications. One of the requirements: the ability of users to control the collection of data about themselves.

The appearance of the document in Roskachestvo is explained by the presence of state standards for operating systems. They say they are there for them, but they are absent for cellular services.

The quality standard for mobile applications has already been approved by the design technical committee at Rosstandart.

Roskachestvo is an autonomous non–profit organization that was established by the Government of the Russian Federation. It is engaged in the certification of products to obtain a Quality Mark. The purpose of the organization is to “increase consumer awareness and promote high-quality Russian goods in the domestic and foreign markets.”

A source: Kommersant
