Thanks to the growth of the mobile and online games market, the total revenue of the gaming industry could reach a shocking $100 billion in three years, according to Digi-Capital.

Analysts do not report on the revenues of the mobile market specifically, but judging by the graph showing the global dynamics of video game sales (it can be found just below), revenue will clearly amount to more than $ 30 billion. Their share in the software market will grow to 60%.

For reference: online games in Digi-Capital are considered MMO, social and casual games. Analysts do not include online console projects here.

One of the main drivers of growth is the Asian market, which is characterized by a large number of users with low ARPU. The latter, however, will not prevent him, together with Europe, from grabbing 80% of revenue from mobile and online games by 2017. 

What is important: the total figure of all mergers and acquisitions in the gaming market in 2013 amounted to $5.6 billion. Moreover, 9 out of 10 purchases were made by Asian companies. In addition, 13 of the 15 gaming companies that have carried out IPOs are from Asia (China, Japan and South Korea). 

In total, $1 billion was invested in games last year. This is 16% more than in 2012. The average investment increased by 14.8% to $6 million. Most often they invest in mobile games (much more often). 

Source: Digi-Capital
