The game producer of the Odnoklassniki social network told App2Top what happened on the social network over the past twelve months, as well as what events in the gaming industry he considers the main ones in 2016.


Year for the company

For us, 2016 was eventful. We have introduced an additional stage of selecting games before launching into the web catalog in order to provide even better products to our users. We have launched a native mobile platform for Android games and video streaming of games on OK, as well as the first among social networks to release a platform for HTML5 games in messages.

Event of the year in the world

The full-fledged entry of powerful VR platforms into the market – Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Playstation VR (as well as Google Daydream) gave a serious impetus to the development of the VR entertainment market. It is not yet clear whether the new market will be as massive as the console market, but this is definitely a new round of development of the computer games industry and one of the key events of 2016.

Trend of the year

Pokémon GO – no game has ever shown such a powerful growth in profit and user base before. Although it was a short-term trend, it definitely left its mark on history.

Game of the Year

If globally, then Battlefield 1. If personally, then Age of Empires II is the 18th year of the game, and just the other day the fourth official addition was released – Rise of the Rajas. The game was purchased from 3,780,000 users on Steam alone. It’s still being played. Not every project is able to be interesting to its audience 17 years after launch, and even more so to continue to release full-fledged add-ons. I consider this a huge achievement.
