PUBG Mobile’s revenue exceeded $1 billion. The title from Tencent became the first battle royale in history to take this bar.

PUBG Mobile
According to Sensor Tower, recently the game has significantly increased the rate of earnings.

This happened, among other things, thanks to its reissue in China. There PUBG Mobile was launched under the name Game for Peace with some changes. In August 2019, the total revenue of the entire project increased by 540% compared to last year.

  • In August 2018, the game earned $25 million worldwide;
  • in August 2019 – $160 million.

If you do not take into account the income from Game for Peace, then the earnings of mobile PUBG increased by 152%. In all countries, excluding China, the game earned a total of $62 million per month.

In addition, PUBG has broken its record for audience growth. In August, more than 45 million players joined the game, and the total number of installations worldwide reached 400 million.

Game for PeaceAnd what about Fortnite?

We recently reported on PUBG’s plans to overtake Fortnite. And it seems she’s doing it. According to analysts, both mobile games earned $25 million on iOS (outside China) in August. Only if for PUBG it is an increase of 165%, then for Fornite it is a drop of 36%.

And taking into account Game for Peace, earnings of the iOS version of PUBG Mobile exceeded Fornite’s revenues by 3.7 times. However, Fornite has not yet launched in China.

Analysts attribute the rise of PUBG to the updated strategy of the publisher Tencent.

A new schedule of game updates has come into force, which Sensor Tower calls “aggressive”. In addition, the collaboration of Tencent and Amazon allowed us to offer gaming bonuses to Twitch Prime participants. This also affected the growth of installations.

Also recall that user interaction with PUBG has been simplified for the better, as previously noted by DFC Intelligence.

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