The Russian company Pixonic has announced the rebranding of its main project. What is the reason for this, – shared with the authors of the game.

Pixonic переименовали свой блокбастер Walking War Robots

Today, on August 3, it became known that the Walking War Robots game will henceforth be called War Robots. COO Pixonic Igor Klyukin told why this decision was made and what changes the team is waiting for.

The project has been on the market for two years. Why did you decide to rename it?Igor Klyukin


To be honest, two years ago we chose the name based on simple queries.

I wanted to clearly and clearly describe to our potential audience what our game is about. Then it succeeded. We wanted to occupy the niche of walking combat robots, we occupied it.

Now, after two years of operating the project, we have begun to better understand the market and the potential of the project, which is able to go far and occupy the niche of combat robots in general. Already when we formulated plans to build a brand around War Robots, it became obvious to us that a specific word in the name only hinders and restricts.

In addition, the updated name of War Robots greatly simplifies the distribution of the game through word of mouth among users. Two words are easier than three.

Are you waiting for an increase in indicators – which ones, how significant will their growth be?On the contrary, after changing the name, we allow a small drawdown of organic installations due to the indexing rules when searching.

But we estimate the potential decline as insignificant against the background of our current and growing marketing volumes. But, as we believe, the virality and recognition of the project will increase.

Recall that last April the company earned $ 1.3 million, and according to the results of the first quarter of 2016, Pixonic, according to App Annie, entered the top ten most profitable Russian mobile gaming companies.
