Steam recently broke two of its own records at once — by the number of game releases per month and by the number of simultaneous users of the platform. Moreover, the store managed to update the last record twice during the weekend.

Game releases

The record with game releases was announced by the VG Insights service. He estimated that in October, 1229 new games appeared on Steam for the first time in history. This is 64% more than in October 2019 – then 747 new products were released on the platform.

Although many gamers believe that the lion’s share of games on Steam are of very poor quality, VG Insights does not quite agree with this. According to the service, 271 of the 747 titles released in October 2019 received at least 50 reviews. This means that a third of the projects have managed to achieve a certain level of popularity.

Analysts suggest that this October, the ratio of high-quality / low-quality games among the new products on Steam remained about the same. However, it is too early to judge this definitively.

Peak Online

According to SteamDB, over the weekend, the Valve store updated its peak online twice, bringing together more than 27 million people on the platform at the same time for the first time. The first time this happened was on Saturday, November 27 — then there were 27,182,165 people on Steam at the same time. But on Sunday, the number of simultaneous users increased to 27,384,959.

On Monday, the online peak decreased, but only slightly. At the time of writing, there were 24,701,509 registered users in the store at the same time.

Now the most popular game on Steam is CS:GO (799.8 thousand online players). It is followed by Dota 2 (593 thousand players) and PUBG (301.6 thousand players).

Most likely, such a surge in activity was influenced by the autumn sale, which runs from November 24 to December 1.

Note that the previous record was recorded in April 2021, when the peak of Steam online reached 26.9 million users.
