The success of the platform and any game console is determined by the content. Until recently, it was not entirely clear how the sensational Ouya was doing with him. A few days ago, something became clear.

Initially, it was planned that most of the projects would be ordinary ports from smartphones and tablets, redrawn for television screens. 

But the authors of the project quickly realized that a console without an exclusive is not a console. So, in order to create “special” content, as well as to attract the attention of independent developers to Ouya, a 10-day “game jam” competition was conceived to create the best game prototype for the Android console.

The other day, the company decided to share its first results.

A total of 166 projects were created during the competition (as you can see, in any case, Ouya will not remain without content) by developers from the USA, France, Canada, New Zealand and even South Africa. It is still unclear who won. The results will appear only in a couple of weeks, but now you can look at the contestants. There is little interesting there, but, on the other hand, there is a keen interest in the console.

Recall that Ouya is the first full–fledged game console running on Android OS. It is not a mobile device.
