Game optimization is not the most popular topic. It seems as if it is believed that only geeks who are ready to spend on new gadgets annually play on mobile devices, but this is not the case.

Оптимизируй это - стратификация активных устройств по числу ядер и оперативной памяти

With the help of Mobile Hardware Stats, published from time to time by Unity, you can just see what requirements the game should meet, so that later it does not have minus points, at least because of performance.

The latest Mobile Hardware Stats report dates back to this April. For three and a half months, it seems to us that the relevance of the data on the devices themselves is unlikely to have lost its force. Therefore, we are looking:

Number of cores

Dual-core solutions cover 88.9% of solutions. It’s a pity that there is no information on the frequency of processors. Yes, hyper-threading processors with, for example, one physical, but two logical cores were considered to be dual-core solutions.

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The situation with RAM is much more complicated. The fact is that there are a lot of gadgets in use, equipped with only 512 MB of memory. For similar devices, more than a quarter of the market – 25.6%. In other words, if you want not to miss 1/4 of all users, your game should safely manage with such RAM.

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With permissions, everything is less clear, because in this aspect the market is very fragmented. Suffice it to say that 38.2% of active screens fall into the “other” category. The most popular resolution is 800 by 480 pixels, followed by 13.8%.

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In terms of aspect ratio, however, there were surprises: a solid share of screens in 20.4% for gadgets with a ratio of 5 to 3. But the absolute majority – 41.7% – for 16 to 9.

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You can study in detail the data collected by Unity from players’ devices here.

Source: Unity
