The volume of the mobile games market in Russia reached $90 million in 2012, experts say Group. This figure does not contradict the data of J’son & Partners Consulting published a few months ago.

Yesterday the company The Group presented a report according to which the volume of the entire gaming market in Russia at the end of 2012 amounted to 40.843 thousand rubles (about $ 1.3 billion). Of this amount, the mobile entertainment market accounted for only 7% (about $ 90 million). Recall that in March of this year, J’son & Partners Consulting estimated the entire mobile application market at $160 million.

In your report The Group also noted that in the Russian market, “mobile games have been the leader in terms of growth dynamics for two years.”

Yes, a large share of revenue (30%) in 2012 in Russia came from MMO. The market of social games turned out to be a significant 26%. The share of console games was 20%.
