Shareware games must be recognized as illegal,” the author of the Minecraft game Markus Persson said on his Twitter account.


In the image: promo art for the Minecraft game
The reason for the statement was the phrase of George Broussard, one of the creators of the Duke Nukem series of computer games.

He said via Twitter that “snobby developers who oppose frituplay will have to step over themselves one day.”

Перссон среагировал мгновенно. Через несколько минут в сети появился его твит, глясящий: «Фритуплей – это мошеничество, его нужно признать незаконным». Автор Minecraft

Перссон уже высказывался против условно-бесплатных игр. В 2011 году в блоге он he claimed that “people who believe that the future belongs to frituplay are mostly developers, not players.”

Recall that the game Minecraft: Pocket Edition is paid. It was launched about 3 years ago and has remained a peculiar phenomenon since its creation: paid titles usually do not enjoy such success.

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